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What You Gerd About Me.

Why do guys love talking about their medical conditions? I'm like, "Yeah, I've got a slight corn allergy, which is pertinent because you...

Date #2: Tacos and Kidney Stones.

I never in a million years thought that I'd be going to dinner with my DUI lawyer, but there I was. He swooped me in a Lyft (maybe...

Do You Even Disc Golf, Bro?

I made plans to go disc golfing with Guy #2 on Tuesday, but it was like 20 degrees outside and he refused to take a hint. I was like,...

Date #1: Maverick's and Board Games.

We made plans to grab sushi on Monday night, and we actually both showed up. I didn't think that being cuter in person was a thing, but...

The Great Exchange.

There are several steps in every well-rounded Tinder relationship. In order for the relationship to progress beyond Tinder, all of these...

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