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  • Writer's pictureAnonymous

Is that a fish in your hand or are you just... oh, no, yeah. Yeah, that's a fish.

Updated: Jan 27, 2019

I've been on Tinder for about 4 hours and I've seen more 'fish pics' than I've seen in all of my 28 years of life. Is there something irresistibly masculine about catching fish, something that subconsciously screams "mate with that man right fuckin' now"? I don't think so. I don't get it, personally. I'm more impressed with witty 'about me' blurbs, and the proper usage of 'your' and 'you're'. I want to asterisk the shit out of some people, but I'm trying to restrain myself. No one likes a pretentious asshole. Bleached, yes, but not pretentious.

Anyways, speaking of fish... I've gotten a few bites. One guy already invited me over to meet his dog, which could be a friendly and odd invitation to literally meet his dog, or a euphemistic (and equally as odd) invitation to look at his penis. I can't tell whether or not it's code. Is that code? Also, I love dogs, but meeting a dog takes all of five minutes. Probably way less than five minutes, actually. It's like, "This is my dog, his name is _______." And then the petting commences and then that's it. Then what? Penis, I guess. Or maybe the dog-petting will smoothly transition into a candlelit dinner and some fine wine, but why not mention that part initially?

The majority of men I've matched with are friends from life or regulars from work or... my ex-boyfriend. But he and I already tried the dating thing and it didn't work out long-term, so that narrows down my options. I think that it's probably still too early to make definitive plans, but I'm going to shoot for 4 dates per week, so I should probably get the ball rolling.

One more thing - I have to say, I have never seen so many alternative spellings of 'Jared' in my fucking life. Go home, Jarrod.

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